
My Conversation with Richard Russo: Guildtalk #3 at The Rumpus

In October, I experienced one of the highlights of my book tour when I was interviewed by Richard Russo in Portland, Maine. Here is another version of that interview, this one in written form for The Rumpus.

Here is the introduction to the interview to give some context: “Welcome to Guildtalk. For this exclusive series, the Rumpus has partnered with the Authors Guild to bring attention to exciting new voices in American literature. In each installment, an established Authors Guild member will choose an emerging talent or a largely unknown master to interview about writing, publishing, marketing, craft, and teaching. The result should broaden our understanding of what it means to live a literary life. It will also bring us together for a conversation about what it means to be a writer in the twenty-first century.”

It was truly a pleasure to be selected for this series. This interview will be included in the paperback version of After the Parade, out in July 2016.